FEIM - Federation of Wood Industries of Spain sticky icon


The Federation of Wood Industries of Spain-FEIM, was founded in Madrid the 4th of October in 1996, with the aim of represent all the business association whose companies employ wood as a main raw material in the manufactured process. FEIM is also member of the Federation of the European Building Joinery Associations-FEMIB

Linked to the industries of second processing of timber, FEIM host fourteen business association. Overall attends nearly 200 companies with a great representative in the wood sector, distributed throughout Spain.


Pilares en los que se basa su trabajo y que son de vital importancia para todo el equipo.
Jueves, 13 de Julio de 2023 - 10:30 h a 12:00 h
Conducido por la Secretaria General de FEIM y de IBERATAUD, Olga Moro-Coco.
En un webinar que impartirá su gerente, Olga Moro-Coco, a las empresas de servicios funerarios.
Agiliza el tiempo requerido para obtener un embalaje a medida y ofrece una solución de ingeniería técnica al eliminar diseños y cotizaciones manuales.