What is a “UNE” rule?

“UNE” rules is a technical specification whose performance is not mandatory, establish with the participation of all the interested part, that are approve by AENOR, recognise organism in the national and international level for his normative activity.

How does is elaborated a “UNE” rule?

The elaboration of a UNE rule, include the adoption of European rules, is done in the heart of the Normalization Technical Committees (NTC) through the next steps:

  • Preliminary activities (compilation of the documentation, discussion about the contents…) previous to the consideration of a new initiative.

  • Elaboration of the rules´ project, include all the activities that develop by the Committee until the endorsement of the document, trying to have the consensus of all the interested parts.

  • Public information in the BOE (Spanish Official Botetin); announce through the reference of his title in the BOE, about the existence of the rule project to let all person to say all compliment.

  •  Development the proposal when the step before is superseded and is received in AENOR the possible observation. Then NTC study the project and approval the final proposal of the rule, to the consideration and adoption by AENOR.

  • Registry, edition and diffusion of the UNE rule, publication of the UNE rule by AENOR, notification in the BOE, promotion and marketing, through the marketing services of AENOR.